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Tue, 10 Jan, 2023

How PlanetSpark's decision making course helps you master the art of decision making?

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About decision-making skills for kids

For humans, decision-making is perhaps one of the most critical skills for survival.

As life goes by, the decisions get more complex. Many people struggle to make decisions as they did not learn to do so at a young age. If you make your child learn decision-making skills as a kid, they will continue being confident and assertive throughout adulthood. 

Decision-making skills play an integral role in our everyday lives. Most of our decisions are quite typical and insignificant, like choosing your dinner and deciding when to sleep to wake up early. But even these small decisions can have a significant impact on children. The decision-making capabilities of kids who take decision-making skills classes for students improve faster than their peers. 

Decision-making might seem like an easy skill to acquire, but in reality, it can be quite hard to do it suddenly as an adult. If your child depends on you to make every decision for them, they will not know what to do when they are in the real world by themselves. Decision-making is not just a single skill; it is an amalgamation of a plethora of skills like intuition, reasoning, teamwork, and more. If someone learns decision-making skills for children at a young, developmental age, they will become confident and assertive adults  in their respective fields. 

PlanetSpark’s decision-making training for kids in English classes will help your child be more confident in themselves and make important decisions on their feet. The classes will prepare them for the real world so they can be successful in whichever career they choose to work in. 

Want your kid to make important decisions on their own? Register at PlanetSpark NOW!

Aspects of learning decision making skills for a kid 

Decision-making is a challenging skill for children to develop by themselves. They might have intuition, but they will need guidance to follow it. Decision-making is not a theoretical skill but a practical one that is very important in our everyday lives. Choosing what to have for dinner is decision-making, as is which college to go to after high school. It might start with small things, but this skill will improve their lives significantly as they become adults. 

Decision-making skills for children are not just one skill but a cumulation of many skills. While choosing a decision-making skills class for students, you have to check whether the course trains the child in all these ways to make them more confident in their decisions. All of these aspects are very important while teaching a child decision-making skills. 

  • Assessing Risk 

There is some measure of risk involved in every decision we make. In decision-making courses for kids, learners should always be taught to assess that risk factor and then make decisions based on their assessment. Decision-making is a practical task, real-life simulators should be incorporated to get children to practice decision-making in a safe environment, making them more confident in themselves. 

  • Problem Solving 

This part of decision-making is tied to risk assessment. To determine the least risky and safest course of action, children will have to be smart and think on their feet. In real-life situations, we make decisions based on past experiences. This helps us assess situations and come up with solutions in a calm and collected manner. With the help of t decision-making skills class for students, young learners will be able to solve problems and reach conclusions instantly. 

  • Reasoning 

Reasoning skills are crucial when someone is presented with a situation that requires them to figure out the best course of action. They will have to measure all the pros and cons of the situation to come up with a solution. By developing reasoning skills at a young age, you enable your child to continue to make decisions based on their past experiences. The best decision-making courses for kids should include reasoning exercises that have ‘what if’ problems that they will have to solve and improve their reasoning skills in the process.

  • Teamwork 

In the real world, people often have to make decisions as a team. Thinking about the collective good and making decisions on behalf of a team is much harder than making a decision for oneself. In addition to having to reason with other team members, one also needs to take everyone else’s thoughts, opinions, and well-being into account. Good decision-making skills for children classes will incorporate children working together to solve problems. Apart from developing empathy, group activities build leadership qualities and public speaking abilities. Working in a group improves a child’s social skills and makes them comfortable with handling high-pressure situations. Being able to make decisions as a team and taking everyone’s opinions into account is a very important skill that will always be useful in the real world. 

  • Organization 

Being organized is essential when it comes to decision-making. Firstly, when an adult is organized and capable-looking, people tend to trust their decisions more. Being organized also helps people keep their thoughts organized. When people’s minds are clear, they are able to think smart and arrive at conclusions quickly. This makes teaching the importance of being organized an important topic in a decision-making skills class for students. 

  • Creative Thinking 

In decision-making, it is very important to be able to think outside the box. Sometimes people stumble upon situations that they may have never encountered before. Creative thinking exercises help kids think out of the box in a safe environment and work towards developing creative thinking. They will not only be able to think for themselves but for their peers as well. Thereby improving their leadership skills. Creative thinking is also important in our careers no matter which field one chooses to work in. If a child has creative thinking prowess from a young age, they will also be able to move forward in their career more smoothly. 

  • Time Management 

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that require us to think on their feet while keeping ourselves calm. Making good choices in the shortest time is a skill that has to be ingrained in children from a very young age. This helps children become time-efficient adults who will be able to make decisions quickly but correctly. Time management is one of the most important aspects of decision-making skills for kids. When choosing decision-making courses for kids, parents should always make sure that the course teaches time management skills in the classes. PlanetSpark puts effort into teaching kids the importance of time in an efficient and effective way. 

Want your kid to manage time efficiently? Register at PlanetSpark NOW!

Benefits of effective decision making courses for kids

Practice makes perfect. The more a person practices a certain skill, the better they become at it. PlanetSpark believes that decision-making is a skill that every child should learn before they face the real world. But not every child is the same, and they all need special care in order to feel confident. The uniqueness of children is their strength as it provides them with a different perspective. When choosing classes to improve the decision-making skills for children, parents should make sure that their child’s needs are well taken care of. The best decision-making skills class for students will help them in the following way: 

  • Group Activities 

Young children, especially those growing up in the middle of the pandemic have very limited social interactions with their peers. This has resulted in them being unable to form connections with people their age in a group setting. As discussed before, teamwork is very important when making decisions. Group activities with other children their age prepare kids for the real world and also develop self-confidence from a young age. 

  • Making Mistakes in a Safe Environment 

Everyone makes mistakes and all actions have consequences. Children are more prone to making mistakes as their reasoning skills are not yet fully developed. A class that improves decision-making capabilities for kids will allow them to make these mistakes in a safe environment and help them learn through those mistakes. They will also learn that their choices and actions will always have consequences. But they will learn from  these mistakes in a classroom setting under the guidance of experts. 

  • Building up Their Confidence 

Confidence is key when making decisions in life. If someone is not confident about their thoughts and opinions, they will be unsure about making decisions and might even put them off. That can be very harmful in the long run, especially for their careers. This is why all the good decision-making skills classes for students make sure to build the learner’s confidence through various tasks including group exercises. Public speaking is another exercise which helps children overcome social anxiety. This also has a very positive effect on the decision-making skills of kids. 

  • Improve Their Problem-Solving Skills 

All the good decision-making courses for kids have one thing in common, they all teach children how to solve problems they are faced with. There are various ways to do this. Children are presented with a problem for which they have to find a solution and complete the task. It is a very small-scale simulation of real-life problems that adults face. This always helps them gain confidence in their problem-solving and decision-making abilities. It also makes them sharper and more aware of their surroundings. 

  • Involvement with Adults 

Today, most children have parents that are both working individuals. As a result, they do not get to spend a lot of time with their child. But in order to learn about the world, children need constant guidance from adults. That is why decision-making courses for kids are so important. Not only do they teach kids to be confident amongst their peers but also ask for help from adults and seek their guidance when they need it. In real life, a lot of times, we are in need of help while making a decision, but we are unable to ask others for help. These classes teach kids that it’s okay to ask for help from people if they are in need. Which is a very important lesson in life. 

Want your kid to become a Confident Personality? Enroll your kid at PlanetSpark right away!

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Activities to improve decision making capabilities of kids

As mentioned before, there are many skills that need to be improved in order to build children’s confidence in their decision-making skills. There are many activities that kids can engage in in order to improve their decision-making skills. While looking for the best decision-making courses for kids, parents should always look for these activities and supplementary worksheets. Both are a sign that your child’s decision-making skills will greatly improve in the institution. 

  • Role-Playing 

Roleplaying is a great exercise for children while learning decision-making. Putting them in fictitious yet realistic scenarios where they will have to solve problems in order to finish the simulation is a great way to build their personality and confidence. They will also learn a lot of new things while roleplaying. Parents can do this exercise with their children themselves if they cannot don't have access to decision-making skills classes.

  • Board Games 

Simple board games are a very engaging and fruitful way to improve the decision-making skills of children. Board games are based on actions that have immediate consequences. That is why they are perfect for children. Through board games, children will learn first-hand that their actions will always have consequences, and that will allow them to take decisions more seriously. Board games with family also improve their focus and develop healthy competition. For children who are a little older, chess is a perfect board game that improves decision-making skills, focus, concentration, reasoning, and also problem-solving. For toddlers, parents can teach them simple games like tic-tac-toe. 

  • Outdoor Games with Friends 

In a decision-making skills class for students, kids will have a lot of other peers they can play with. Playing outdoors is great for children’s health and connecting with their peers improves their emotional intelligence, which is very important in decision-making. It also helps them be more social and enables them to be more aware of the needs of others. It also makes them healthier physically. Even if parents are unable to find a decision-making class for their children, they should encourage them to play outside with their peers. 

  • Books 

Books are one of the greatest tools for personality development for kids. Parents and teachers can connect with children through books. They help improve your child’s vocabulary. Some books include stories, where the protagonists have to employ their problem-solving abilities to get out of a contentious situation. This helps kids understand the value of making correct decisions. Parents should always make sure to read to their kids or make older kids read books as much as possible. Asking them to retell the stories they have read or heard is also a great method of improving their self-confidence. 

  • Debating 

Debating with peers is a great way for children to learn decision-making. While kids debate with each other, they have to come up with logical explanations to prove their points. One mistake can lead to them losing the debate. Debating involves being mindful of what the opposition is saying and presenting a counter-argument that is logical and compelling. It improves their problem-solving skills to a great extent. Conducting debates amongst students is a great way to improve their reasoning and decision-making skills. It also improves their time management skills as debates are often timed and people have to come up with logical arguments very quickly.

PlanetSpark Classes Testimonials on Decision Making Course

“PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concept.” 

-Vinita Tripathi, Bangalore. 

“The team of PlanetSpark includes sparkling educationists who want to bring an innovative change in their education system.” 

-Ankita Dhoot, Gurgaon. 

“The teaching methodology, interesting and engaging learning strategies and the materials of PlanetSpark gives a wonderful, fun-based learning.” 

-Mayuri Malhotra, Delhi. 

“The modules are engaging and focus on conceptual learning. Classes are learning experience for kids as well as enjoyable for them.” 

-Anjali Chahal, Gurgaon. 

Other Resources: 

Conversation Skills


Conversation Expert

Learn English Language

Ted Talk


Basic Conversation


Standup Comedy

Decision making skills

Everyday conversation




Daily Dialogue Conversation



Conflict resolutions

Role Play in English Conversation


Story Telling


Interview Skills


Group Discussions




FAQs on Decision Making Classes for Kids

  • What are some of the best practices to improve the decision-making skills of children?

There are many effective ways of getting children to make small decisions and improving their decision-making skills. These include engaging them in group activities, playing board games with them, reading books to them or encouraging them to read books, conducting debates to improve their confidence.

  • What are the benefits of enrolling your child in decision-making training for kids in English class?

Children will learn decision-making from experts in the field. Thus they will be better prepared for real-world problems. They will also be able to connect with others their age which will also be great for their emotional growth.

  • What can parents do at home to improve their child’s decision-making capabilities?

Parents can read books to or with their children and play engaging board games to improve their decision-making capabilities.

  • How is self-confidence the key to better decision-making skills?

The world runs on confidence. People inspire trust and belief while making confident decisions. It is also important to be confident in one’s own problem-solving and reasoning skills in order to make a decision. 

  • What are the steps involved in decision-making for children?

Decision-making for children is a pretty straightforward process. When children are presented with a problem, they first identify the problem by relating it to their past encounters. Next, they think about possible solutions to the problem at hand. Lastly, they choose the best possible path of action as per their deductions.

  • How can you help a child who is having trouble making decisions?

Talking to them and being more involved with them is the best course of action when a child is having problems with simple decision-making. They should be showered with praise for their actions as that gives them the boost that they need. Additionally, parents can also enrol them in a good decision-making course for kids, as it will improve their child’s condition greatly. 

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