
Sun, 21 Nov, 2021

Should women be allowed to be priests?

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"There is no Jew nor Greek, no slave nor free, no male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus." 

Women should be permitted to be priests. The idea that only men should be allowed to be priests dates back to when women were shunned by society. 

Anyone, regardless of gender, who is aware of the Bible thoroughly and believes they have a calling from God to spread God's goodness among the people can become a priest. It is unfair to women to ignore God's call simply because they were formed as women. 

We Must Break Traditions

Many will argue that it will be a departure from tradition. We, as humans, have progressed over time. This also implies that we abandon traditions that appear obsolete and irrelevant to us. 

Do we eat raw meat, use rugs as clothing, and sleep in caves as our forefathers did? No. We broke the practice because it made no sense to us, given how far we have progressed. 

Traditions like this, too, should be broken since they no longer make sense. What's to stop a woman from becoming a priest if she can run for vice president? This is a ridiculous custom that requires quick rectification.

Women's Role in Church

There is no reason why a woman cannot have a high-ranking religious role. Women are encouraged to teach in Sunday schools and work in the nursery in most churches, but it is unimaginable for them to allow women to be priests or bishops. 

We are still a long way from achieving ultimate equality, but modest steps forward, such as Barbara Harris' ordination, bring us closer than ever. 

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Priests should be able to carry out their duties. They should be allowed to try as long as they work hard. If any practice condemns a girl to a lesser status, it must be modified.

Personal achievement should not be reduced to a woman and man competing for power; it is two people aiming for a higher goal. Women who have demonstrated leadership abilities in their industries should be permitted to serve as role models. 


  1. Who are priests?

Priests are the individuals who carry out religious activities in furtherance of their religion. They are vested with a responsibility to promote and preserve the learnings of their religion.

  1. What does a Catholic priest do?

A catholic priest administers and manages the sacraments of the church.

  1. Shall religion be considered superior to human rights?

Religion and religious practices shall never be considered superior to human rights.

  1. Why shall women be allowed to be priests?

Women are getting greater education and gaining stronger leadership skills than in the past. Women who work just as hard as males deserve the same chance at a governmental office, a well-paying job, or a spiritual position.

  1. Can women priests be a threat to the position and livelihood of men priests?

Priests are those who carry out religious sacraments. It has nothing to do with gender. Thus, both these genders can co-exist as priests.

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